Latest version.
  • (A) The City Council may, after convening as a public meeting, upon a majority vote of the body, determine to meet in an executive session to consider any matter set forth in divisions (B) or (C) of this section. The motion calling for the executive session must clearly and with specificity describe the subject of the proposed executive session without defeating the purpose of addressing the subject in private, and no other matters may be considered at the executive session.
    (B) The following may be discussed in an executive session:
    (1) Matters that, if immediately disclosed, would tend to adversely affect the finances of the City;
    (2) Matters that would tend to injure the reputation of a person; provided, however, that the person may request a public discussion;
    (3) Matters which by law are required to be kept confidential;
    (4) Negotiations with labor organizations representing City employees; and
    (5) Matters involving the consideration of government records that by law are not subject to public disclosure.
    (C) At the request of the City Attorney, the City Manager, or any member of the City Council, the City Council may vote to meet in executive session to discuss legal matters or receive legal advice from an attorney, including but not limited to matters of pending or anticipated litigation, recommendations regarding proposed City Council action having serious legal implications, or other legal matters the disclosure or public discussion of which will or may tend to adversely effect the legal positions of the City. All discussions with the City Attorney of legal matters considered pursuant to this section shall be confidential.
    (D) No official action may be taken at an executive session except to give direction to an attorney or labor negotiator regarding the handling of a specific matter or pending labor negotiations.
    (Am. Ord. 2004-04, passed 3-9-04)