§ 2.20.060. VOTING.
Latest version.
- (A) Actions of the City Council are adopted by a majority of the total membership of the body.(B) The Mayor shall declare all votes; but, if any member doubts a vote, the Mayor, without further debate upon the question, shall request the members voting in the affirmative and negative respectively to so indicate, and shall declare the result.(C) The vote upon all original main motions considered by the City Council shall be taken by “yes” or “no” votes which shall be entered upon the record, except when the vote is unanimous, it shall be necessary only to so state.(D) Every member who shall be present when a question is put, where the member is not disqualified by conflict of interest, shall vote, unless the City Council for special reason approves an excuse from the vote. Applications to be excused must be made before the vote.(E) In all cases where an extraordinary majority (two-thirds majority) is not required, and when no motion is before the City Council, the Mayor may, in lieu of calling for or awaiting a motion to be made, put the question in the following form: “Without objection, it will be so ordered.” If no objection is heard, the Mayor shall announce: “It is so ordered,” which will have the same effect as if a motion to that effect had been made and voted upon favorably. If a single objection is reasonably expressed when the question is put, the Mayor shall not proceed further under this rule, but instead shall call for a motion, which motion shall be handled in the regular manner.(F) The final vote on each ordinance, resolution, or substantive motion is a record roll call vote. All City Council members present shall vote unless the City Council, for special reasons, permits a member to abstain.(Am. Ord. 2004-04, passed 3-9-04)